SAS NEUTRINO will treat with care the information you entrust to the Company, in accordance with the disclosures it provides during the Registration process and in its Privacy Policy.During the Registration process you will be asked to choose a user name and password that will be used by you every time you access the application to use the service. For your protection and that of other application users, you should not share your Registration information (including your password and username) with another person or business entity for any purpose including, but not limited to, facilitating access and unauthorized use of the Service. You alone are responsible for all acts or omissions that occur within the application through the use of your Registration information. If you believe that someone has used or is using your Registration information, user name or password to access any Service without your authorization, you should notify our Customer Support immediately.Privacy PolicySAS NEUTRINO does its utmost to ensure the privacy, confidentiality and security of its clients are preserved both throughout their interaction with the company and afterwards, to the fullest extent achievable by the company.SAS NEUTRINO does its utmost to ensure the confidentiality of its clients personal information including the implementation of data protection procedures designed to ensure client confidentiality. SAS NEUTRINO ensures that its data protection policy is regularly updated in order to ensure that clients confidential information is continually safeguarded.From time to time SAS NEUTRINO may contact clients whether by phone or email for the purpose of offering them further information about SAS NEUTRINO. In addition the company may, on occasion, seek to contact clients, whether by phone or by email, for the purpose of informing them of unique promotional offerings provided by SAS NEUTRINO for the client.SAS NEUTRINO may also provide your contact information to the third party signal providers that you are subscribed to.Clients consent to the receipt of such contact when they consent to our terms and conditions of use when registering with SAS NEUTRINO. Any person wishing to opt out of further contact with SAS NEUTRINO at any time whatsoever is entitled to do so, simply by contacting the company whether by email and requesting that no further contact on behalf of the company be made.Indemnity amp Right of Set-OffThe customer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless SAS NEUTRINO, its directors, officers, employees or agents from and in respect of any loss, damage, liability, cost or expense that it may suffer or incur by reason of the customer failing to discharge its obligations under or acting in breach of any of the terms and conditions herein contained or as a result of any breach of any applicable laws or regulations.In the event that there is any liability of the Customer to SAS NEUTRINO its directors, officers, employees or agents under the indemnity provisions of the clause herein-above, SAS NEUTRINO shall have the right to set-off that amount against any balance held to the credit of the account opened by the customer with SAS NEUTRINO.Limitation of LiabilityIN NO EVENT SHALL SAS NEUTRINO, ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS OR EMPLOYEES BE LIABLE FOR LOST PROFITS OR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH OUR APPLICATION, OUR SERVICES OR THIS AGREEMENT (HOWEVER ARISING, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) EXCEPT AS STATED IN THIS AGREEMENT. THE LIABILITY OF SAS NEUTRINO, ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS OR EMPLOYEES, TO YOU OR ANY THIRD PARTIES IN ANY PROVEN CIRCUMSTANCE IS LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT OF MONEY YOU TRANSFERRED OR DEPOSITED IN YOUR ACCOUNT AT SAS NEUTRINO IN RELATION TO THE TRANSACTION GIVING RISE TO SUCH LIABILITY.SAS NEUTRINO and any Third Party Providers do not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, completeness or correct sequencing of the Market Information, or warrant any results from your use or reliance on the Market Information. Market Information may quickly become unreliable for various reasons including, for example, changes in market conditions or economic circumstances. Neither SAS NEUTRINO nor the Third Party Providers are obligated to update any information or opinions contained in any Market Information, and we may discontinue offering Market Information at any time without notice.You agree that neither SAS NEUTRINO nor the Third Party Providers will be liable in any way for the termination, interruption, delay or inaccuracy of any Market Information. You will not deep-link, redistribute or facilitate the redistribution of Market Information, nor will you provide access to Market Information to anyone who is not authorized by SAS NEUTRINO to receive Market Information.Use amp Access of ApplicationYou shall be responsible for providing and maintaining the means by which to access the application, which may include, but is not limited to, a personal computer, modem and telephone or other access line. You shall be responsible for all access and service fees necessary to connect to the Web site and assume all charges incurred in accessing such systems.You further assume all risks associated with the use and storage of information on your personal computer or on any other computer through which you will gain access to the application and the services (hereinafter referred to as computer or your computer).